Tools And Resources

Tools and Resources


Mortgage Calculators

What mortgage can I afford? How much will monthly mortgage payments be? These are two of the questions that I am commonly asked. Before making any financial decisions, you need to be informed. Below is a variety of interactive calculators designed to give you the information you need to make important decisions.

Remember that these financial and mortgage calculators are only a guideline and it is always best to fill out a mortgage application because each person’s needs and situation is unique. Mortgage rates are constantly changing, so whether you are wondering about the interest rates on an open mortgage, 5 year mortgage rates, 10 year mortgage rates, etc, it’s best to contact me directly for the most up to date information.

Home Purchase


Mortgage Loan Calculator

This calculator will give you an amortization schedule including your mortgage payments


Bi-weekly Savings Calculator

This Calculator will allow you see how much you can save by making accerated weekly or biweekly payments



Mortgage Compare Calculator

This calculator will allow you to compare up to 3 mortgages. You can change your mortgage amount, interest rate, amortization, payment frequency, and even fees if they were to apply


Mortgage Qualifier

This calculator will help you figure out approximately how much you can afford.


Rent vs. Buy

Calculate when you’ll break even and when it will be more cost effective for you to own your home.




 Mortgage Refinance Interest Savings

How much will you save in interest if you refinance


 Bi-weekly Savings Calculator

This Calculator will allow you see how much you can save by making accerated weekly or biweekly payments


Mortgage Compare

This calculator will allow you to compare up to 3 mortgages. You can change your mortgage amount, interest rate, amortization, payment frequency, and even fees if they were to apply


Mortgage Payoff

Find out how many years you can shorten your mortgage by.


Mortgage Qualifier

This calculator will help you figure out approximately how much you can afford.


Home Equity


 Credit Line

Figure out how much you can get for a line of credit




 Home Budget

Calculate how much you can save every month


Accelerated Debt Payoff

Every wonder how you can accelerate your debt repayment


Compare Savings Rates

Compare how different interest rates on your savings compare


Consolidation Loan Investment

Thinking about consolidating your debts, try this calculator out!


Road to a Million $

Curious to see how long it will take you to save a Million Dollars?


Post Secondary Savings

How much will your child’s education cost you and how much will you need to start saving to get there.


How much will you need to retire?

Many people don’t know how to get to retirement. This calculator will add some clarity


Investment Goal

Calculate how you will get to your investment goals


Life Expectancy

Calculate your approximate life expectancy


Net Worth

Curious as to what your Net Worth is?


Personal Debt Consolidator

Thinking about consolidating your debts, try this calculator out!


Retirement Nestegg

What should you have for a retirement nestegg?


RRIF Payment

For more information about RRIF’s consult Canada Revenue Agency



Thinking about getting an RRSP loan..


Savings, Taxes, Inflation

How much are your savings worth after taxes and inflation.




 Life Expectancy

Calculate your approximate life expectancy